The surveillance option is a bold decision and best considered well in advance of the completion deadline. Discreet inquiries with high stakes consequences require varying degrees of planning and preparation.

We acknowledge not every assignment lends itself to an extended planning period. We are known for our ability to handle difficult assignments on short notice.

Case specific issues often dictate extended follow-up. A simple court continuance can diminish the material relevance of time sensitive information. Family court issues involving child safety can indicate a surveillance component long after the initial triggering event. Chronic infidelity can produce a long term surveillance horizon.

There is no template for good surveillance. We listen attentively to each new case with unbiased ears.


300 Montgomery Street, Suite 825  |  San Francisco, California 94104-1918  |  415-352-1062
California PI License #23134

-- Case Files --

Asset Discovery


Catastrophic Injury

Child Custody

Child Safety Visitation

Commercial Litigation

Corporate Fraud

Disgruntled Employees

Domestic Crises

Due Diligence Inquiries

Employee/Contractor Theft

General Liability


Identity & Lifestyle Verification


Insurance Fraud
Missing Persons

Non Compete Breaches

Partnership Disputes

Personal Disability

Personal Injury

Product Liability

Professional Liability


Time Critical Service of Process

Trade Secrets

Unfair Business Practices

Violation of Trade Secrets

Violations of TRO's

Workers' Compensation

Workplace Violence